Website Hosting


Domain Hosting

Whether you need to host a private club, large business, or personal web site, Apex Technologies is the place to go!

We only use the best servers, equipment, and have very good up time. Up time is how long the web site stays online and doesn’t go “down” due to a number of errors.

Domain Registration

The Internet consists of a group of computers or servers connected by electronic means. To be able to locate a specific computer/server (where a website is stored), each server needs an address. Every computer or server connected to the Internet is issued an IP address so that it can be located. Initially, an IP address was the only way to reach another computer/server on the Internet.

Domain names were created to provide an alias for IP addresses so that instead of having to remember a website is located at, you simply have to remember the name of the website

This is called a domain, and you must purchase a domain (yearly fee) in order to have a website..

Custom Website Design

Because many website ideas are fresh and innovative, custom website development is often required to truly bring your ideas to life without sacrificing its originality and uniqueness. Custom website development involves creating your website from scratch and developing things from the ground up. Often times you may be on a budget and shy away from custom website development. Although custom design may take longer to complete than one hour "template" style websites, keep in mind custom website development is made for those who are looking for long term success. Also, weekly/monthly payment plans can easily be arranged, and I can work full-time while still charging a "part-time" rate to keep it affordable. If your main goal is to bring your ideas to life without sacrificing, custom website development is the only way to go. Why sacrifice and settle for less? You always risk your business identity when going another route. In the end, your custom website will be truly priceless and no other website on the world wide web will be anything quite like yours.

Website Redesign

Have a website that hasn't been updated in the past 6 months? These days, your website needs to look fresh and updated in order to keep all eyes on you! Website redesigns and updates can be just what you need to give your visitors a fresh new perspective on your business while at the same time keeping them in a familiar web space. A complete website overhaul or minor updates may be necessary.

Keeping your website fresh is mandatory and it never hurts to try something new!

Website Maintenance

Need a full or part-time maintenance man for your website? No problem! Flat rates available for website maintenance with a 1 hour minimum. Whether you need something periodically updated on your website, links updated or changed, graphics removed, replaced or changed, colors modified, text moved, a specific item re-arranged, files deleted or removed from your server, etc.

All websites need maintenance, and all websites need a maintenance man!