Computer TrainingTraining

Personalized private tutoring.

  • Need to learn how to use a computer?
  • Have a program that you just can’t master?
  • Want to learn how to design your own website?
  • Can’t figure out how to use your cellular telephone?

Contact us and we’ll help you with all types of problems. Training is done in your own home and discounts are available for package deals.

When you want to be the best, call the best! References available!

Know Your PC

If you're like everyone else, you hate it when those younger people talk about the computer... CPU, RAM, hard disk, memory... what's it all mean? Wouldn't you like to know your PC and what it does?

Next time, you'll know what they're talking about!

Microsoft Windows/Office

Microsoft Windows is great, especially if you know all the tricks and how easy it is to get it to do what you want! It doesn't matter if you're using Windows 7, XP, 98, or even ME (we should talk!!), you'll navigate easily and know how to get around!

Social Media


If your business isn't already on Facebook, you're definitely missing out! Let us help you develop your brand/business on the most popular social network on earth, or allow us to expand your existing Facebook presence. If you aren't on Facebook.. you're missing out!


What is Twitter, and what can it do for me? Your questions will be answered and you'll be exposed to the amazing world of Twitter. Happy Tweets!

Are You Linked?

LinkedIn is another great site you want to be familiar with. Link to co-workers, friends, family, and old classmates. It's an amazing place to find resources you never knew you had!

E-Mail, Blogging, PayPal

Never quite mastered your E-Mail? Not sure how to send an attachment? Return receipt? Be a pro! It's a lot easier and safer when you understand your E-Mail.

Wondering what a Blog is? Want to blog or just read blogs? Become a blogger!

If you're afraid of PayPal, you just don't understand it. It's quite safe, and very useful at times! You'll be happy you have a PayPal account!

Web Search (Google)

Searching the Internet can be very rewarding when you find what you're looking for. But it's not that simple if you don't know how to "Google". Find out what Google is and how you can streamline your searches and get the results you need!

Group Classes

All of the above classes can be done in a group as well. Priced just right and much more economical, this is a great way for you and your friends to learn together, and help each other as well!

Classes also available at retirement homes and schools!